Op Spotify kun je de derde track van het uit te komen album Equinoxe Infinity beluisteren. De track heet Robots Don’t Cry en dit is wat Jean-Michel zelf over het nummer te zeggen heeft:
I love oxymorons, made out of two opposing words, two opposite feelings. This track is a mirror of that. I use the Mellotron a lot in this piece, such a great instrument, a mechanical device but with a human quality VR eating sounds like some audio remains of the past. I recorded this track only once, I did everything – the melody and the rhythm-track – in one go. I love the idea that technology can provide emotions, even though technology is not linked to the notion that it can provide emotions. Robots or Artificial Intelligence are just machines without any contradicting emotions so far. They might not be able to work as efficiently should they have emotions. But who knows, one day maybe, robots will experience nostalgia.
Beluister het nummer op spotify
Beluister ook The Watchers (movement 1) en Flying Totems (movement 2) op Spotify.